De Palma's film, "Redacted," is based on the true story of a group of U.S. soldiers who raped and killed a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and murdered members of her family. It has stunned audiences for its shocking images and rattled American conservative commentators before its U.S. opening next month.
[Ed says: WTF? This only rattles Conservative commentators.? Are Liberals unfazed by such brutality?]
The film's distributor, Magnolia Pictures, ordered the faces of dead Iraqis shown in a montage of photographs at the end of the film be blacked out.
De Palma said he expected the images in "Redacted" to stir U.S. public debate about the conduct of American soldiers. Abeer Qasim Hamza al-Janabi was gang-raped, killed and burned by U.S. troops in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad, in March 2006. Her parents and another family member were also killed.
He said the film provided a realistic portrait of U.S. troops…
De Palma, who looked at the atrocities of conflict in the 1989 film "Casualties of War," which also centers on the rape of a young girl by U.S. soldiers…
The U.S. invasion of Iraq was "clearly a mistake," he said, that was perpetuated by "defense contractors, big corporations of America" profiting from the war.
"How many billions of dollars are those companies making? And who gets more famous than ever? The media. There is nothing like a war to fill the airwaves 24 hours a day," he said.
Full Story
There is also nothing like a war to provide material to disturbed movie producers obsessed with rape. This jerk thinks it is typical of our military of our soldiers to rape innocents, and that it makes good for compelling movies.
Here is the problem. This is not typical and it is not tolerated. Here is the prosecutorial response to the incident;
Specialist James Barker was sentenced to 90 years.
Sgt. Paul Cortez was sentenced to 100 years in prison
Pfc. Spielman was sentenced to 110 years in prison
Steven Green is charged with rape and murder. Federal prosecutors announced they will be seeking the death penalty for Green.
If De Palma has an objection to war profiteering, he should make a movie critical of the Governmental big wigs, not the boots on the ground soldiers. Why make a movie about an band of criminal soldiers and claim that to be the norm?