The government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. ~Ronald Reagan
Saturday, June 30, 2007
London Bomb Plot
To me, this is an clear indication that we cannot appease the terrorists. The threat of Islamofascisim will not be deterred by electing a president who takes a more concillatory tone with US Foreign Policy.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Beauty and Brains!

The third-generation American and actress is under fire this week from fellow Latinos for comments she made to Para Todos magazine:
Alba is my last name and I'm proud of that. But that's it. My grandparents were born in California, the same as my parents, and though I may be proud of my last name, I'm American. Throughout my whole life, I've never felt connected to one particular race or heritage, nor did I feel accepted by any. If you break it down, I'm less Latina than Cameron Diaz, whose father is Cuban. But people don't call her Latina because she's blonde…
Monday, June 18, 2007
Middle East Reference Site
I go to this site to get an objective view of the situation in the Middle East. I think they try to be fair and honest.
Here is a current article about the Hamas takeover in Gaza.
Equal Rights all right by me!
NEW YORK — A Manhattan artist arrested by police when she went on a topless stroll two years ago has accepted a $29,000 settlement from the city, her lawyer says.
Jill Coccaro, 27, was charged briefly with indecent exposure despite a 1992 state appeals court ruling that concluded women had the right to be topless if men were allowed to take off their shirts.
Coccaro, who now goes by the name Phoenix Feeley, bared her breasts on Aug. 4, 2005.
Feeley remained in custody for 12 hours before she was told prosecutors were not going to pursue charges.
Her attorney, Jeffrey Rothman, told the Daily News for its Sunday editions that his client won the civil rights settlement from the city, which did not admit or deny wrongdoing.
"We hope the police learn a lesson and respect the rights of women to go topless," Rothman said.,2933,283512,00.html
Friday, June 15, 2007
O'Reilly Immigration Plan
This is copied from Bill’s site:
So here is my no spin immigration plan which, I believe, is fair and would be acceptable to most Americans.
First, the southern border must be protected by at least 700 miles of barrier, backed up by a doubling of the Border Patrol. To assist those federal agents, ten thousand National Guardsmen would be stationed near the border.
That would effectively close the border to smugglers of humans and drugs. If you oppose that strategy, you do not want a secure border. Period.
Second, all illegal aliens currently in the USA must register with Homeland Security at their local post office. If they do not register, they would be subject to immediate deportation. After processing by the feds, the aliens would then receive a tamper-proof identification card, allowing them to temporarily work here.
Third, any business hiring aliens who do not have the government-issued ID would be criminally charged.
Fourth, all registered illegal aliens would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Those deemed by federal authorities to be self-sufficient, law-abiding people would receive the so called "Z-visas," giving them resident status, but not automatic citizenship. That would have to be earned over a number of years by complying with a set of obligations including paying fines, back taxes, learning English, and staying employed.
Nearly 100 Years ago the answer was given
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Leader of the Senate grants citizenship to 12 Million illegals
Harry Reid had a Freudian slip on June 4th when he called the 12 million illegal aliens in the country “Undocumented Americans”.
The bloggers are all over this. Michelle Malkin does a good job exposing Harry for what he is. It is also worth noting that the page has removed this phrase from the “transcript’ of Reid’s speech. Revisionist history I guess.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Looking for Leadership
This county is desperate for a leader that can get past partisan politics and address the challenges facing the nation.
Immigration: Secure the borders first. After that, comprehensive reform will be possible.
Terrorism: Stridently fight Islamic fascism and the hate it spreads.
Energy Future: Lead the world towards an alternative , renewable energy economy.
Health Care: Lower health care costs and improve health care services by reforming the third-party payer system.
Social Security: Make the program sustainable through partial privatization and fiscal responsibility.
Taxes : Minimize the tax burden on individuals and businesses. Free flowing capital feeds the economy.
Environment: We only have one world. We must meet our needs with respect to the environment.
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Religion of Peace?
Brit ordered his daughter strangled for falling in love with wrong man
LONDON - A father who ordered his daughter brutally slain for falling in love with the wrong man in a so-called “honor killing” was found guilty of murder on Monday. Banaz Mahmod, 20, was strangled with a boot lace, stuffed into a suitcase and buried in a back garden. Her death is the latest in an increasing trend of such killings in Britain, home to some 1.8 million Muslims. More than 100 homicides are under investigation as potential “honor killings.”
full story here:
I am glad to see the AP pick this story up. Let’s see if it has any legs.
Where are the human rights defenders? Where are the Feminists? When will the world stop pandering to a religion where murder is such an integral part of its practice? How can a father kill his own daughter because she shamed him? I guess according to Sharia law there is no shame in murdering your own daughter. We cannot ignore the threat that this cultural attitude poses to the world.
California's Troubled Future
Here is a link to an article by the Sacramento Bee’s chief political columnist. In it he details the problems facing the California economy as the baby-boomers retire and the younger workers fail to obtain the education required to drive the economy forward.
We cannot abandon education and expect to be the world leaders for long.