The government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. ~Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
My Legacy is Cemented
So last year I helped one of my customers with a special project. It was a data conversion project to convert an HD-DVD into a special format that could be manufactured on existing DVD equipment. This helped my customer get HD-DVD’s to market ahead of the rest of the industry. It was kind of nerdy bits and bytes type stuff, and it was some porn title I had never heard of called Camp Cuddly. Now I read this…
“Vivid Entertainment had debuted the first Blu-ray title with their cross-format release of 'Debbie Does Dallas... Again.' (The first adult title to hit HD DVD was Wicked Pictures' 'Camp Cuddly Pines Power Tool Massacre,' back in December 2006.)”
So you see, I am a major player in the porn industry.
From: http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/news/show/Blu-ray,_HD_DVD_Porn_Slow_to_Build_Steam/998
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Columbia Speaker
This is an attempt to humiliate and embarrass George Bush that will American interests.
We should set politics aside in some cases to show that America will not tolerate those that advocate the destruction of our allies nor those that fund terrorist activities that kill our good soldiers.
This man is evil and we should not give him the platform. He will speak and when he returns home he will be a hero. His media outlets will show all of the Middle East how he conquered the Great Satan. (That us folks. )
His appearance might be appropriate if students are given a chance to confront him with questions the likes he would never be faced with in his own country. I doubt free speech will include any of that though.
1) Why won’t you comply with UN orders regarding your Nuclear Program?
2) Do you advocate the destruction of Israel?
3) Does Iran support Hezbollah?
4) Does Iran support Al Queda?
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Jenna 6
I have not followed this story closely. My 5 minute assessment is that some white kids hung a noose on a tree at their school. In retaliation, 6 black kids then beat a white kid up in retaliation. The district attorney did not charge the noose hangers, but did charge the black students with attempted murder, which was later reduced to battery.
“The beating victim, Justin Barker, was knocked unconscious, his face badly swollen and bloodied, though he was able to attend a school function later that night. “
Now the civil rights movement, perhaps Race Hustlers, have latched on to this as a symbol of the racial disparity in the justice system.
I think it is sad that the ‘civil rights movement’ now takes up the cause of violent assailants. I think non-violence was a crucial part of the success of Dr. Kings philosophy.
I don’t take a position here on racial equalities of the justice system. Only that violent thugs should not be the icons for racial progress. The response to the noose hanging should have been non-violent protest. The kids committed a crime and need to face the consequences.
Here is an blogger with a personal knowledge of the assailants:
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Nuclear Energy is Part of our Energy Future
You cannot be against all forms of energy production, unless perhaps you live in a cave. We all consume it. We all want it cheap. Our economy depends on it. But yet, there is a significant amount of the population that is against all forms of domestic energy production. Let’s face it, coal must be mined and burnt which is bad for the environment. I know that environmentalists have blocked hydroelectric power projects because of the impact on the fish and rivers. I live close to a significant wind farm and know first-hand that there have been objections that wind turbines kill birds. We won’t drill for oil in Alaska because of environmental politics. Nuclear was perhaps the first target of obstructionists back in the 70’s and the effort to halt nuclear power development has been successful for three decades.
By the way, here is a link to Nuclear obstructionists: http://www.nirs.org/home.htm
I wonder if these guys go to anti-Coal meetings one day, then anti-Nuke another.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Interesting article about the days before health insurance. I think the answer to the health care “crisis” lies in less government involvement not more. And before we attempt to do anything related to healthcare, we should address the illegal immigration problem and the costs associated with this “system” that allows employers to make profits on the backs of employees while the public taxpayer picks up the bill for the social services of the illegal immigrants. Applies to education as well.
Here is how the article begins:
“During the first 30 years of my life, I had no health insurance. Neither did a lot of other people in those days.
During those 30 years, I had a broken arm, a broken jaw, a badly injured shoulder and miscellaneous other medical problems. To say that my income was below average during those years would be a euphemism.
How did I manage? The same way everybody else managed: I went to doctors, and I paid them directly, instead of paying indirectly through taxes.
This was all before politicians gave us the idea that the things we could not afford individually we could somehow afford collectively through the magic of government.”
Read the rest: http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=273790988274527
Thursday, September 13, 2007
What is the cost of cheap stuff?
I am starting to think that the global economy and unrestricted free trade is more about corporate profits than national welfare.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Is Patraeus a political hack?
It is frustrating to see the character assassination of General David Patraeus. This is a man that was unanimously confirmed by the Senate for this job. Now, because they don’t like what he is going to say, the Democrats are trying to take him down. Here is a blurb I found on the net with an accurate summary of the situation.
In case anyone forgets, this same career officer received a unanimous confirmation for his role as commander in Iraq less than eight months ago on January 26th. Petraeus had a long history of commendable service to this country before being given this command, including excellent work under similar circumstances around Mosul earlier in the war. He told the Senate that he would deliver an honest report, and if he didn’t think that he could turn things around in Iraq, he would be the first to report it.
In other words, he has come to tell the Senate that he is fulfilling the mission. And certain members of the Senate understand that they will be discredited if America succeeds in Iraq. Rather than support their nation or at the least acknowledge the honor and integrity of the man they sent to lead our forces in Iraq, they’re trying to ruin him publicly for their own political benefit. It’s despicable, and it demonstrates the utter moral collapse of the anti-war faction within the Democratic Party.
From: http://glenns.newsvine.com/_news/2007/09/06/945858-democrats-try-character-assassination-on-petraeus
Monday, September 10, 2007
RIAA Lawsuit Rejected for Failure to State a Claim
I came across an article today that contains an interesting example of civil procedure in the Copyright infringement suits that the RIAA is using to stop/limit file sharing. It was neat to see rules of pleadings discussed in this context, which is related to the industry I work in.
Basically, the RIAA was not granted a default judgment because they had used a boilerplate complaint.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Do you agree with birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants?
Here is an excellent article by La Shawn Barber about the current interpretation of the 14th amendment’s Citizenship Clause.
I think that when the 14th amendment was passed the concept of having millions of illegal aliens in the country was so unimaginable that the clause could not have possibly been intended to apply children born to illegal aliens in the manner that it is applied today.
Birthright citizenship needs to be ended as part of a comprehensive immigration reform.
Honey Bees
There is a scary phenomenon going on in the beekeeping industry for the past year. It’s called Colony Collapse Disorder and it has led to the loss of an estimated 23% of the nations beekeepers. Scientists today announced a viral link that might be causing the loss of the bees.
In any event, we are dependent on bees for much of our agriculture. Once again it points out that our lives depend on maintaining the delicate balance of nature and man. Theoretically the loss of the worlds bees could lead significant loss of human life as a result of famine and decimated agriculture production.
Full Story: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20612274/