I saw that lesser known members of the Kennedy clan came out today in support of Hillary. The LA Times contains an opinion piece by Kathleen, Robert, and Kerry Kennedy that is remarkable not because these writers are Hillary supporters, but rather, for their statement of what Democrats believe;
Democrats believe that America should not be torturing people, eavesdropping on our citizens or imprisoning them without habeas corpus or other constitutional rights. We should not be an imperial power. We need healthcare for all and a clean, safe environment.
I like the way this looks in an itemized list;
1) No torture, [including water boarding,] of captured terrorists.
2) No monitoring of terrorist phone calls, international or domestic.
3) “Citizens” are currently being imprisoned without habeas corpus and constitutional rights. [ I am not aware of instances of this. Perhaps “citizens” includes those captured on the battlefield in a theater of war and this is a Gitmo reference?]
4) America is an evil imperial power.
5) We need socialist healthcare for all. [Note the absence of the word ‘citizen’ here, which I do not believe to be uncalculated.]
6) We need a clean environment [to stop anthropogenic global warming.]
7) We need to be safe.
So when you look at it that way, I would say that my worldview is 99% totally the opposite of what these Democrats believe. Of course I am taking liberty that these three Kennedy’s speak for the Democratic party, but it is a window into the mind of what the Democrats are thinking and feeling right now.
The only thing I do agree with in that list is that America needs to be safe. Safe from radical Islamic terrorists and safe from a Democratic president.