Friday, March 28, 2008

New York Slideshow

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Nuvi USB Charging Instructions

Procedure for charging the Battery from a USB Connection: Turn the unit off.  Plug in the USB. (That turns the unit on). Turn the unit off before the maps load and before you get the 'computer picture'.  Otherwise, you can't turn the unit off.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Smoke Screen

I worry that the prolonged Democratic battle for the nomination will end up being a distraction from a debate on the issues.  It would be nice to begin talking about the differences that the parties have in terms of:
1) Immigration
2) Socialization of Healtcare
3) Enegry Independence
I would also like to add that responsible government should be key difference between the parties, but alas my party now spends more than ever and has abandoned the idea of a limited government where individuals can best provide for themselves rather than Uncle Sam providing the essential "rights" that we are all "entitled" to.
I don't love McCain, but I beleive that Hillary and Barack are worse. 
Do you want the government to take over heatlhcare? 
What government service do you know of that works well and is nice to deal with?  I don't want going to the doctor to be like going to the DMV.  We need health care reform, but it needs to be private sector market based and not government provided healthcare.  Do you want to pay for someone elses decisons to smoke, or ride motorcycles, or eat cheeseburgers?         
As for immigration:
I don't want to have an underclass of people in our country who fail to assimilate, and who carry exorbanant costs that must be paid for by the american taxpayer. How can we evaluate the real status of our education or healthcare systems until we talk about burden created by immigrants illegaly in the country.  I support legal immigration at a rate that our economy and culture can support.  Come here legally, learn English, become citizens.  Otherwise, you should not be able to sneak into the country and you should not be allowed the benefits of citizenship while our counrty works to care for it's own.
Barack and Hillary dream of a European style socialist government.  I don't want to be like Europe.  The Unted States of America rejected that notion long ago.  I hope John McCain can make these, and other important, distinctions clear to the American public before November.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

New York Trip

Here is a test drive of Picassa Album Embedded into my Blog. I plan to share my vacation photos this way.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

If things don't work out with the lawyering...

Melissa Gira Grant, another former sex worker, says, "A mid-range online escort who books her own clients makes $200 to $300 an hour."

Grant's rule of thumb: "If you look at what a lawyer makes (in a particular city), that's what an escort makes," she says.


From SF Chronicle article in the post Eliot Spitzer resignation days