Saturday, April 25, 2009

Flying over Normandy

Brave enough to storm the beaches,
To save the world from the sons of bitches.
Yet now portrayed as the global evil,the blood of America brings your riches.

When our allies needed is to defend their lands and free their people, we rose up and sacrificed our blood and treasure to defeat tyranny and despotism. Flying over the beaches where so many young men suffered and sacrificed makes me proud. Flying over lands that now castigate is for confronting the modern challenges to liberty and freedom makes me sick. Sometimes you have to be willing to wage war to do what is right. That doesn't make us an imperialist nation. It makes us the defenders of liberty surrounded by ignorant or cowardice fools. I suspect time will come when the fools once again need is to bail their ass out.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Newspaper troubles

Still in London airport. Took a look at the newsstand and I noticed that the papers have topless women in them like it is no big deal. I think it is high time for tribune and Hearst to get with it and start showing some boobies.

Monday, April 20, 2009

First time in London

I am sitting in London Heathrow airport right now eating breakfast and having an espresso. It really makes me realize how great it would be to get to visit Europe for recreation. As it stands I will not leave the airport here on my way to Germany. Someday I want to check out England France and Italy.