Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Democratic Lawmaker Likens Health Care Crisis to a 'Holocaust' - Political News -

Democratic Lawmaker Likens Health Care Crisis to a 'Holocaust' - Political News - "A Democratic congressman under fire for saying that Republicans want Americans to 'die quickly' if they get sick fanned the flames further Wednesday by comparing the U.S. health care system to a 'holocaust.'"

Is this the type of rehetoric that had Nancy Pelosi so upset recently?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chicago Does not Deserve the Olympics

Obama is flying to Europe to personally push for Chicago to be named the host city for the 2016 Olympics.

Watch this video and tell me if you think Chicago represents what the Olympics are all about. (Video of the beating death of Derrion Albert: Warning – graphic violence)

The boy hit in the head and killed was an honors student who never got into trouble before. Witness accounts say he was trying to help even though he was not in either of the gangs that were the root cause of the dispute. Three arrests have been made and murder charges have been filed.

I am from Illinois and I am disgusted. I am disgusted at the lack of appreciation for life, and at the President's constant preaching about social justice. He has not been able to change Chicago and he is failing on the world stage now too.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ousted president Zelaya says returns to Honduras | International | Reuters

Ousted president Zelaya says returns to Honduras | International | Reuters: "Soldiers toppled Zelaya and sent him into exile after he upset conservative opponents, who accused him of wanting to change the constitution to allow presidents to seek re-election."

You know those damn pesky "conservatives" that want to follow the constitution are always getting in the way of Marxism. People need to pay attention. Obama is aligning himself with leftists that are plenty happy to disregard a nation's constitution to remian in power indefinately. It worked for Chavez in Venezuela. Thank God that Honduras shut down Zeyala's attempts to give himself perpetual power in violation of their constitution. America should be priasinig the efforts of the Honduran legislature, supreme court, and military. Instead, we are pushing to have the leftist Zeyala re-installed. Shameful support of anti-constitutional efforts.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Favorite TV or Radio Host

who is your favorite show host? TV or Radio Broadcast
Bill O'Reilly
Glenn Beck
Michael Savage
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Other free polls

Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama's Speech to Schools

The President released the text of the speech he will deliver to our kids tomorrow.  It is here.  I read it and here is what I have to say:
1) The fact that this text was released in advance is a result of the pressure and reaction of the public.  It was not an irrational respone of parents to be concerned about the address to children.  Michelle Malkin has detailed the scariest aspects of indoctination and the cult of Obama that are legitimate issues.
2) Overall, the speech is pretty mild and I agree with much of what the President has to say. Was the speech toned down because of public pressure ?  I guess we will never know, but I think they knew had to tread lightly because we were watching.
3) There are lines in the speech that promote left leaning issues: "protect our enviroment",   "fight poverty and homelessness", "make our nation more fair", "fight ... discrimination."  But there are some bones thrown to liberty and freedom as well: "make our nation ... more free", "build new companies that will create new jobs and boost our economy."  He throws in the fighting crime and curing cancer for good measure.  It is hard to argue with that.  I think it up to each parent to read the speech and talk about it with thier kids.
4) I am glad he tells the kids to put down the X-Box.  I am a Playstation guy
Summary:  I beleive the president has political motivation to win the hearts and minds of the kids.  They are future supporters and he is a politician. But I also beleieve he is trying to reach out to kids a failing public school system.  It is obvious that the breakdown of the famliy is a big part of the education issue as well.  I am going to let my kids watch the speech (if their school is even showing it) and then talk to them about it.  The citizens have done a good job keeping their government honest.