CBSNEWS: Attorney General Gonzales' firing is just a matter of time...
hypocritical bastards. Clinton fired all the Federal attorneys.
Then according to this 2001 press release all the Clinton appointees resigned and the Bush administration made wholesale changes in the 93 US Attorneys.
So these 8 prosecutors involved in this controversy get hired by the Bush Administration and now they can't' be fired? What sense does that make? If I am the chief executive of a company, and some of my employees are not doing things the way I would like, they're gone.
It is perfectly within the Chief Executive's power to see that his team faithfully execute the laws of the Federal government. Alberto Gonzales was acting on this authority.
This is a political witch-hunt perpetrated by a party that has no real ideas other than 'we hate Bush'. The Scooter Libby trial is over and they are desperate for a new Bush "scandal". I am afraid Alberto is going down for now good reason.
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