Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Reporting somethign from the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy

My letter to the whitehouse....
Here is something I find fishy.
1) The Executive Branch of the US Government asking for citizens to report fellow citizens based the content of thier speech.  You totally have my attention now because you are treading awfully close to my constitutional rights.
2) I find it fishy that the Whitehouse is spending taxpayer money to publish videos that counter so called "disinformation" which are actually just statements dtaken irectly from the President's own mouth.  There is no additinal context that needs to be provided to Presidents Obama's 2003 statements that he supports a single payer healthcare system.  Singlle Payer HealthCare is what he said he beleived in in 2003 and citizens have the right to know what he said on his rise to power.  You see it is hard to beleive his current rhetoric when we know what he has said in the past.  I find your efforts to be promoting "disinformation". 
For the record.  I openly oppose President Obama's plan to socialize our healthcare system.  I think this legislation will bankrupt my children's future and destroy the finest healthcare system in the world.  I will vocally speak out against Obamacare it at all turns.  It is my constitutional right and duty to do so.   That fishy smell is the disinformation from your office.
California Red

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