Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama's Speech to Schools

The President released the text of the speech he will deliver to our kids tomorrow.  It is here.  I read it and here is what I have to say:
1) The fact that this text was released in advance is a result of the pressure and reaction of the public.  It was not an irrational respone of parents to be concerned about the address to children.  Michelle Malkin has detailed the scariest aspects of indoctination and the cult of Obama that are legitimate issues.
2) Overall, the speech is pretty mild and I agree with much of what the President has to say. Was the speech toned down because of public pressure ?  I guess we will never know, but I think they knew had to tread lightly because we were watching.
3) There are lines in the speech that promote left leaning issues: "protect our enviroment",   "fight poverty and homelessness", "make our nation more fair", "fight ... discrimination."  But there are some bones thrown to liberty and freedom as well: "make our nation ... more free", "build new companies that will create new jobs and boost our economy."  He throws in the fighting crime and curing cancer for good measure.  It is hard to argue with that.  I think it up to each parent to read the speech and talk about it with thier kids.
4) I am glad he tells the kids to put down the X-Box.  I am a Playstation guy
Summary:  I beleive the president has political motivation to win the hearts and minds of the kids.  They are future supporters and he is a politician. But I also beleieve he is trying to reach out to kids a failing public school system.  It is obvious that the breakdown of the famliy is a big part of the education issue as well.  I am going to let my kids watch the speech (if their school is even showing it) and then talk to them about it.  The citizens have done a good job keeping their government honest.

1 comment:

Ed said...

we have actually learned that the speech was cleaned up in response to public reaction.