Thursday, November 5, 2009

Teabagger comment is rude and sophomoric

Congratulations John.  You managed to win an election against a relative unknown in a heavily democratic district.  You only dropped 25 points compared to your predecessor who carried the district by a much more significant margin than you did. 


I read a quote of yours today in “The Independent” (“Garamendi Looks for Quick Swearing-in”, Nov 5, 2009) and I wanted to express my displeasure with your comment.  You say that your opponent had “the Tea Baggers agenda.”  I just wanted to let you know that that is insulting.  The movement is called the Tea Party movement and it refers to the populaces dissatisfaction with taxation levels and out of control government.  It is a reference to the Boston Tea Party which was a significant event in US history.   Your slur comparing it to a graphic sexual practice is very telling.


I am glad that you are so confident that you are willing to disparage your opponents supporters the day after the election.  I think you just insulted about 40% of the voters in your district.  You have one year before you have to run for re-election.


Good luck friend.  You are on my list and I will do everything I can to see you defeated.   





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