President Obama: Federal Government 'Will Go Bankrupt' if Health Care Costs Are Not Reined In - The World Newser: "President Obama told ABC News’ Charles Gibson in an interview that if Congress does not pass health care legislation that will bring down costs, the federal government “will go bankrupt.”"
Makes sense. We are broke and the entitlement programs are unsustainable. The perfectly logical thing to do is to spend an extra Trillion dollars (or three) to sdave us from bankruptcy. Not only is this a terrible fear based sales tactic, it is so illogical that Spock's head is going to explode.
Who in thier right mind thinks that the Government program will be deficit neutral? Not the CBO. Who in thier right mind thinks that we can "bend the curve" to provide healthcare subsidies to millions of people without it costing the government more moeny? The Democratic Congress and the Obama Adminsitration may fool themsleves and some of the American people, but they are not fooling me.
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