Tuesday, January 19, 2010


There wouldn’t have even been an election today if the Democrats in Mass hadn't changed the Senate appointment rules back in 2004.  I can't wait for a pundit to point out tonight that it was Teddy's meddling that setup the perfect storm.  I just get the feeling they were gaming this seat so badly that they deserve to lose it.  "It's the People's seat."



In 2004 the legislature of Massachusetts changed the rules for filling Senate vacancies.  At the time, the Governor was responsible for appointing a replacement to complete the term of the departed Senator.  This was a concern because Massachusetts then had a Republican governor and Senator John Kerry was possibly going to be elected President.  Not wanting to have a Republican appointed Senator, they changed the law (with much pressure from Teddy Kennedy himself, and over Mitt Romney’s veto) so that all vacant Senate seats would be filled not by appointment, but only by special election, and they set the rules for these elections.  John Kerry lost the Presidential election and the issue was moot.


Fast forward to 2009 when Senator Kennedy is in his last days and the new rules won’t suit them.  Now, Massachusetts has a Democratic Governor so Senator Kennedy begs to have the rules changed.   Contrary to the law that they had recently overwhelmingly passed, they change the rules again and have the Governor appoint a reliable Democrat for the period after the vacancy and before the special election.  “It’s Teddy Kennedy’s Seat” was the common theme.  They did what they wanted to suit themselves.


But the election to fill the seat officially was still to take place as required by law.   That election is today and there is a great chance that a Republican will  win a Senate election in Massachusetts for the first time since 1972.   We will  see.


If that happens  I can’t help wonder what would have been if they hadn’t changed the rules back in 2004.   Deval Patrick would have appointed a Democrat to fill Teddy Kennedy’s  Class 1 Senate seat until 2013. 


There would be no Senator Scott Brown and the Democrats would still have a supermajority.   Perhaps part of the reason the people of Massachusetts were willing to elect a Republican despite a 3 to 1 Democratic registration advantage was because of pure partisan politics.  The liberal agenda is getting rebuked on the National stage.  1 year after Obama’s “mandate” the people have again spoken.  They said: “We didn’t know this is the kind of change you had in mind Mr. President.  On second thought, no thanks.” 


I am reminded of Nelson from the Simpsons:  “Ha, Ha.”



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