Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nice Cover Song

Monday, March 30, 2009

China Economy Suffering

Here is an article about rising unemployment in China. 


Bottom line:

Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong believed that if the party lost the support of the peasants it would lose control of China. Mindful of that, the government had set a goal of 8 percent growth this year, fearing less would cause such high unemployment it would result in mass civil unrest.

That hasn't happened yet, but after two decades of economic growth, the global downturn is seen as the most serious test for the ruling Communist party in a generation.

Eventually the only thinkg that will sustain China’s economy will be war.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Random thouight about the Police lyrics

I had a Police song in my mind the other day  and one of the lyrics  struck me as odd.  In “Can’t stand losing you,” Sting sings “you don’t ever want to see me again, and your brothers gonna kill me and he’s six feet ten.”


The odd part about that lyric is that Europeans generally refer to peoples height in metric, either meters or centimeters.   Maybe he did this because the metric system was adopted in Britain in 1965 and a man his age was accustomed to using feet and inches.  Or perhaps he was specifically targeting the US market.  Or perhaps he went with it because “your brothers gonna kill me and he’s 208 centimeters” doesn’t rhyme.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Postcard to President Obama

Dear Mr. President,


People should be held accountable for their actions.  If someone purchased something they cannot afford, it is not the government’s responsibility to pick up the bill.  The money for mortgage bailout is coming from honest taxpayers, many of whom have done the right thing by not biting off more than they can chew.  Many of whom have rented because of the unaffordable prices of late.


You say that you are doing this in part to protect the value of my home from falling further.  Guess what.  I don't want you to take my tax money to pay for my neighbor down the streets mortgage, even if it means my house value falls more.  The guy down the street pulled $200,000 out of his house over the past 8 years.  The guy down the street bought a house he could never afford, with a mortgage that was a ticking time bomb from day one.  Let the market correct.


Government is the problem and not the solution.  Your redistributions of the wealth is un-American and eventually you will lose office because of policies that reward irresponsibility at the expense of the honest hard working taxpayer.


Then again, maybe don't appreciate this because your administration has ever met an honest hard working taxpayer.   See Geithner, Daschle, Richardson, and Killefer. 


I had hoped for so much more.