Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama spokesman announces interrogation unit - Yahoo! News

Obama spokesman announces interrogation unit - Yahoo! News: "President Barack Obama has approved creation of a new, special terrorism-era interrogation unit to be supervised by the White House, a top aide said Monday, pushing further distancing his administration from Bush administration detainee policies.
Burton said the unit will include 'all these different elements under one group,' and it said that it will be situated at the FBI headquarters in Washington. The unit would be led by an FBI official, with a deputy director from somewhere in the government's vast intelligence apparatus, and members from across agencies. It will be directly supervised by the White House."

This raises serious constitutional concerns about the concentration of power within the Executive branch. If Bush had done this the left woudl have gone ballistic over Bush using the FBI to torture terrorists. At least the CIA had some amount of congressional oversight. Who is going to watch over Obama's elite team? Why is the FBI involved? Don't they investigate domestic crimes? Will this program include interrogation of American's? The whole thing scare me. Remember when Obama talked about a civillian national security force. Is this part of that? I know that is reactionary, but we are not supposed to just trust that our government will not abuse its power. The system was constructed so that there were checks and balances that kept government from being abusive. I don't think Barack likes that structure.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

John Mackey: The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare -

John Mackey: The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare - "'The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out
of other people's money.'
—Margaret Thatcher"

Great quote from Thatcher. Good article detailing some of the market based reforms that could reduce healthcare insurance costs. This author expands on my 4 point plan that I posted two days ago (sans mentioning immigration reform) and also adds other points that I failed to include.

If you want to provide something with as little waste and expense as possible give me free enterprise over government everyday.

"Walking Back"

Sometimes new buzzwords make me ill. The one that I am currently rampaging against is “walk back” which is a clever euphemism used when someone should retract, correct, or apologize for a statement, yet is not willing to publicly accept that they made an incorrect or stupid statement.

I get the sense that this administration will be doing this so often they needed a term that makes correcting yourself seem like a fun exercise. Bunch of liars and/or idiots.

Here are some uses I have seen:

It was President Barack Obama who suggested the visit after walking back the remarks he had made at a press conference last week.

And over the past several days, both the White House and PhRMA have offered a series of sometimes conflicting accounts of what happened in an attempt to walk back the story.

this may be the first sign that the administration is trying, as Sen. Jim DeMint put it, to “walk back” its support for Zelaya.

Glenn Beck Advertising

Word is that there is pressure to silence Glenn Beck by getting is advertisers to boycott his show. Redstate has the info.

Here is the letter I sent to the advertisers who have agreed to boycott:

I am writing to express my support for Glenn Beck. I understand you have boycotted advertising on the Glenn Beck program.

Glenn Beck is not a radical. He is expressing an important point of view that is resonating with many Americans concerned with the power and influence of the Federal government.

I am concerned that your actions will stifle debate and have a chilling effect on free speech in the media. I realize that you are private enterprise not governed by the first amendment and you have every right to decide how to spend your advertising dollars, but it is the government that is pressuring you to punish this individual who is a voice of dissent.

I encourage you to reconsider your position on this. Investigate the facts and resist the pressure being placed on you to boycott his program. Glenn speaks for me and I follow his lead. I will not be doing business with you if you continue to boycott Glenn Beck in reaction to pressure from political action groups or PR firms connected to the administration.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama's healthcare horror from Camille Paglia of Salon

Obama's healthcare horror | Salon: "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom I used to admire for her smooth aplomb under pressure, has clearly gone off the deep end with her bizarre rants about legitimate town-hall protests by American citizens. She is doing grievous damage to the party and should immediately step down.
There is plenty of blame to go around. Obama's aggressive endorsement of a healthcare plan that does not even exist yet, except in five competing, fluctuating drafts, makes Washington seem like Cloud Cuckoo Land. The president is promoting the most colossal, brazen bait-and-switch operation since the Bush administration snookered the country into invading Iraq with apocalyptic visions of mushroom clouds over American cities."

Even liberals recognize he is selling a "plan" that is anything but. I should just trust that whatever is floated by the Democrats is good for America?

As a salesman in the high tech industry, we have a term for what the current healtcare reform is today; vaporware. You sell it even though it doesn't exist.

This is good article from a self described libertarian Democrat. She recognizes some serious mistakes that the Democrats are making.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"It Is the post office that is always having problems?"

Here is the president admitting that the government has a hard time running programs that compete against private industry. He cites the post office as an example compared to FedEx and UPS.

Yet, the argument is that a public government option will increase competition. You cannot argue both sides of that coin. The president is caught in a catch 22.

At the end of the linked video he admits that it is essential “that it is not setup where the government is basically being subsidized by the taxpayers so that even if they are not providing a good deal, we keep having to pony out more and more money.”

So how does the Post Office analogy hold up: “Postmaster General John E. Potter says the Postal Service now expects to run a record $7 billion deficit in 2009, up from projections in March of $6 billion.”

I don’t believe the government can fund this by creating cost savings. I don’t believe the cost projections coming from Congress or the Whitehouse. I don’t believe in “bending the curve.” I don’t believe the government will be able to be competitive without the taxpayer “having to pony out more and more money.” They have no plan. The economics of their scheme just do not add up.

EXCLUSIVE: Panel sees race bias in health care bill - Washington Times

EXCLUSIVE: Panel sees race bias in health care bill - Washington Times: "The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights says some little-noticed provisions in the House health care bill are racially discriminatory, and it intends to ask President Obama and Congress to rewrite sections that factor in race when awarding billions in contracts, scholarships and grants.
The commission also fears the programs, which are designed to improve health care in underserved areas, will not be effective."

Do you want real healthcare reform?

This is my four point solution to the rising healthcare costs

1) Encourage Individual/Family Policies: Take the employer out of the health insurance game. My boss does not negotiate nor purchase my home, auto, or life polcies. Why should he be responsible for my health insurance? When the employer provides group insurance the costs of insurance are hidden from the individual. Let's put the costs of insurance in front and center of the consumer. If my employer does not have to pay my health insurance premiums, I expect my wages will increase to maintain my overall benefits package. They better, or else I will seek employment elsewhere. The insurance companies would then have to compete to win the business of each individual and family. Competition is good for the consumer. Furthermore, anyone who purchases health insurance should get a tax credit. If we enact these reforms, then the individual will have resources and incentive to purchase a private individual or family policy in a healthy competitive health insurance market.

2) High Deductible Insurance with Health savings accounts: Health Savings accounts require that the owner maintain a high deductible insurance policy. All medical expenses are covered once the deductible is met ($2400 individual $4800 per famliy), but I must pay all expenses up to that amount. The amount I save in premiums compared to a co-pay policy allows me to bank thousands of dollars a year in an portable 401k investment account that I can take with me if I leave my employer. HSA policies cause me to be judicious about the medical services I seek out. We go when we are really sick, but we dont go top the emergency room for every sniffle. My average out of pocket expense per year under this system for a healthy famliy of 4 has been less than $3,000 per year.

3) Legal Reform: I have heard medical professionals talk about the fear of litigation and how it effects treatment. 20 years ago when Johnny bumped his head his parents were told to watch him closely. Now, Johnny is going to get a 3D color brain scan to make sure that doc doesn't get sued. The doc suggests this course of (over)treatment to cover his ass and mom and dad who only have to pay a co-pay are all for it. Furthermore, actual litigation and judgments push malpractice insurance so high as to chase professionals out of service. This administration has no desire to enact legal reform to assist the health care industry.

3) Immigration Reform: Many of the uninsured are not citizens. Much of the strain on the medical system and escalating costs involve these uninsured. I hate it when I hear people talk about folks dying in the streets of America, because they are uninsured. Emergency Rooms in my state treat people regardless of thier citizenship or insured status. So as it stands, the uninsured can and do get health care subsidized by the premiums of all those insured. These individuals should have affordable policies available as a result of a healthy private insurance market. They should have to buy thier own health insurance just like I have to. If our country needs the services and contributions from these immigrants, then we need to have a proper legal immigration system that eliminates the underclass of people who have to live in the shadows, and who cannot afford lifes basic necessities.

Overall, I beleive that America has the best healthcare system in the world. Our capitalist system yeilds the most innovation and advancement. The level of care has risen along with technology to the point where we expect miracles from our healthcare providers everyday. Sure there are higher costs that are an increasing burden on employers and families, but a government takeover is not the solution. Reform should come from government opening up the insurance market and from giving tax credits to make the purchase of health insuirance affordable to all. The idea that the government running a public option will do this is ridicuolus. If you want something for "free" then you are going to get what you pay for.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Cash For Clunkers" Does Little To Help The Environment - Econwatch - CBS News

Idiots I say.

"Cash For Clunkers" Does Little To Help The Environment - Econwatch - CBS News: "But it's a bit silly for politicians to claim that cash-for-clunkers can be justified by environmental or economic concerns, and even sillier for Americans to pretend to believe them."

Congress OKs $2 Billion Refill of 'Cash for Clunkers' - Political News -

Stop Spending My Money Idiots

Congress OKs $2 Billion Refill of 'Cash for Clunkers' - Political News - "'Once these clunker rebates expire, it is over,' predicted economist Richard Yamarone of Argus Research. 'Consumers are not going to keep buying cars. It is a temporary one-time gimmick, not a long-lasting tonic for the recovery.'"


Nancy Pelosi is crazy.   I wanted to put this on record.



Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Reporting somethign from the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy

My letter to the whitehouse....
Here is something I find fishy.
1) The Executive Branch of the US Government asking for citizens to report fellow citizens based the content of thier speech.  You totally have my attention now because you are treading awfully close to my constitutional rights.
2) I find it fishy that the Whitehouse is spending taxpayer money to publish videos that counter so called "disinformation" which are actually just statements dtaken irectly from the President's own mouth.  There is no additinal context that needs to be provided to Presidents Obama's 2003 statements that he supports a single payer healthcare system.  Singlle Payer HealthCare is what he said he beleived in in 2003 and citizens have the right to know what he said on his rise to power.  You see it is hard to beleive his current rhetoric when we know what he has said in the past.  I find your efforts to be promoting "disinformation". 
For the record.  I openly oppose President Obama's plan to socialize our healthcare system.  I think this legislation will bankrupt my children's future and destroy the finest healthcare system in the world.  I will vocally speak out against Obamacare it at all turns.  It is my constitutional right and duty to do so.   That fishy smell is the disinformation from your office.
California Red

Monday, August 3, 2009

Trojan Horse

If single payer is what they want, then they shoudl just come out and say it. The America can decide if we want the Government to take over healthcare or not. The "calling it one thing while it does another" Orwellian tactic is crap. Here, on video in his own words, is what they really want: