Friday, January 29, 2010

Hugo's Stormtroopers

Hugo Chavez represents modern day Social Democracy. No Thanks! Not in America, ever.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Annual Federal Deficit 2000-2019 Chart

This is the amount of money our government is spending each year. As of January 2010 we have amassed 13 Trillion in debt, but it seems our government is just getting going with the spending. How anyone can look at this and think it will work is beyond me. Call your Congressmen and Senators now. Tell them to stop the spending. It is reckless and dangerous.

Friday, January 22, 2010

In Ohio, Obama vows to 'never stop fighting' -

In Ohio, Obama vows to 'never stop fighting' - "I'll never stop fighting for an economy where hard work is rewarded, where responsibility is honored, where accountability is upheld, where we're creating the jobs of tomorrow.'"

words are so easy for this guy. His actions are just about 100% anethema to these objectives. Especially the part about accountability.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


There wouldn’t have even been an election today if the Democrats in Mass hadn't changed the Senate appointment rules back in 2004.  I can't wait for a pundit to point out tonight that it was Teddy's meddling that setup the perfect storm.  I just get the feeling they were gaming this seat so badly that they deserve to lose it.  "It's the People's seat."



In 2004 the legislature of Massachusetts changed the rules for filling Senate vacancies.  At the time, the Governor was responsible for appointing a replacement to complete the term of the departed Senator.  This was a concern because Massachusetts then had a Republican governor and Senator John Kerry was possibly going to be elected President.  Not wanting to have a Republican appointed Senator, they changed the law (with much pressure from Teddy Kennedy himself, and over Mitt Romney’s veto) so that all vacant Senate seats would be filled not by appointment, but only by special election, and they set the rules for these elections.  John Kerry lost the Presidential election and the issue was moot.


Fast forward to 2009 when Senator Kennedy is in his last days and the new rules won’t suit them.  Now, Massachusetts has a Democratic Governor so Senator Kennedy begs to have the rules changed.   Contrary to the law that they had recently overwhelmingly passed, they change the rules again and have the Governor appoint a reliable Democrat for the period after the vacancy and before the special election.  “It’s Teddy Kennedy’s Seat” was the common theme.  They did what they wanted to suit themselves.


But the election to fill the seat officially was still to take place as required by law.   That election is today and there is a great chance that a Republican will  win a Senate election in Massachusetts for the first time since 1972.   We will  see.


If that happens  I can’t help wonder what would have been if they hadn’t changed the rules back in 2004.   Deval Patrick would have appointed a Democrat to fill Teddy Kennedy’s  Class 1 Senate seat until 2013. 


There would be no Senator Scott Brown and the Democrats would still have a supermajority.   Perhaps part of the reason the people of Massachusetts were willing to elect a Republican despite a 3 to 1 Democratic registration advantage was because of pure partisan politics.  The liberal agenda is getting rebuked on the National stage.  1 year after Obama’s “mandate” the people have again spoken.  They said: “We didn’t know this is the kind of change you had in mind Mr. President.  On second thought, no thanks.” 


I am reminded of Nelson from the Simpsons:  “Ha, Ha.”



Costco TurboTax Review - Timmy!


Saw this review on the Costco site:



5 out of 5

5 out of 5

Location: Washington, DC Date: January 12, 2010

Works Great - Watch out for Congress

"Except for TurboTax not reminding me that I need to file Social Security taxes, and almost costing me my Senate confirmation, I endorse this product."

Was this review helpful to you?  Yes No (Report Inappropriate Review)


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lessons from a Disaster

What happened in Haiti is terrible. The poorest, and one of the most corrupt nations in the Western Hemisphere, is severely devastated by a big earthquake. Prayers and Support are needed for the people of Haiti. But it also provides a lesson to me as a Californian. I need to prepare my supplies and my famliy for the event of an emergency. You need a well devised survival plan and you need some basic necessities stored in a safe and accessible place.

"'Money is worth nothing right now, water is the currency,' one
foreign aid-worker told Reuters."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

FW: Obituary - Read carefully.

Viral email received today.



    Professor Joseph Olson of   Hamline University School of Law,   St. Paul ,   Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning last November's Presidential election: 

  • Number of States won by: Obama: 19    McCain: 29
  • Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000    McCain: 2,427,000

Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million 

                                                   McCain: 143 million

Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:

Obama: 13.2    McCain: 2.1

   Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country. 

    Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

    Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

    If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders  called  illegal's and they vote, then we

can say goodbye to the   USA in fewer than five years. 

       If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.

If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Quote from Sam Adams

“If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”—Samuel Adams"

What Comes Next for David Harmer

David Harmer is running against Jerry McNerney for the CA-11. I am 100% full in support of Harmer and will not press for an independent or libertarian candidate unless Harmer strays from Tea Party principles along the way.

> Dear Edward:
> After the campaign, the Harmer family was relieved to return to private life, and content to stay there. But the day after the election, I received this message:
> I can't thank you enough for the inspiration and hope that you have given so many of us. Earlier today I started receiving phone calls and emails from friends wanting to support you again. I realize that this race took a lot from you and your family. But if you ever run for any political position again, I want to be the first to write a check.
> I've never felt so hopeful and motivated by any candidate as I was when I first met you. This was why I wanted to contribute to your campaign and to introduce you to so many of my friends. They too have been excited by the opportunity of your representing us.
> David, you have a great future. All of us are really proud of what you've accomplished. America needs an honest politician like you, standing up for our constitutional rights. This election has left me proud and very hopeful for the future.
> I encourage you to get back on the horse and ride again. You will find that your base of support is even bigger now than you ever imagined.
> It was the first of hundreds of messages urging me to run again and promising support. Many of them voiced a common theme:
> "I encourage you to continue to be involved. Look for an area that has more opportunity for a Republican to win."
> "Run in a more friendly district."
> "Don't give up! Start your next campaign for Congress now. The political winds will be blowing in your direction next November, and McNerney's seat may be vunerable to a challenge."
> "With the current political environment, I think McNerney is ripe for the plucking."
> "Hope you run again, 10th or 11th. Send McNerney packing."
> When prominent Republicans first asked me to run in the 11th District, I dismissed the idea because I didn't live there. I had just finished making fun of my opponent for running in a district where he didn't live.
> "Did it make any difference?" they asked.
> I had to admit that it didn't. I never met a voter who could honestly say, "I was going to vote for Garamendi. I agreed with him on the issues. But then I found that he lived outside the district, so I supported you instead." Voters cared about who we were and what we stood for, not where we lived.
> Garamendi isn't unique in that respect, by the way. Republican Tom McClintock lives outside the district he represents. The Constitution requires candidates for Congress to live within the state from which they seek election, but not the district.
> Although I ran in the 10th District last time, many of my donors and volunteers came from the 11th District. And naturally so: I live only two miles from the border between the two.
> Most of my city, San Ramon, is in the 11th District, as is our neighboring city, Danville. Most of our school district is in the 11th District. The church where we worship is in the 11th District. The Costco where we shop is in the 11th District. Madison goes to basketball practice in the 11th District, Jonas goes to track practice in the 11th District, Ariel goes to ballet in the 11th District, and Ben goes to tae kwon do in the 11th District. Most of the kids I've coached in soccer and Little League live in the 11th District, as do most of the scouts I've served as a merit badge counselor. And after the lines are redrawn following this year's census, my home may well be right back inside the 11th District.
> In contrast to the 10th, the 11th District has more Republicans than Democrats (39.6% Republicans, 39.2% Democrats). The seat was held by Republican Richard Pombo until 2006, when Democrat Jerry McNerney defeated him.
> With so many of the volunteers and donors who live in the 11th District urging me to run there, we commissioned a poll of 450 likely voters. It found that my name recognition is relatively strong, my favorability rating is high, residency is not an issue, and the district is growing more congenial to Republicans.
> All that good news leads to an announcement: I'm running for Congress again ... from the 11th District!
> Yours truly,

> David Harmer