Friday, March 16, 2007

Barack Obama speech in Selma Alabama

This man is far in opposition to my conservative small government principles, but I like what he says about personal responsibility and acheivment. I wish he was a conservative.

He's made us in His image and we reject the notion that we will for the rest of our lives be confined to a station of inferiority, that we can't aspire to the highest of heights, that our talents can't be expressed to their fullest.

It is because they marched that I got the kind of education I got, a law degree, a seat in the Illinois senate and ultimately in the United States senate.

if parents don't turn off the television set when the child comes home from school and make sure they sit down and do their homework and go talk to the teachers and find out how they're doing, and if we don't start instilling a sense in our young children that there is nothing to be ashamed about in educational achievement, I don't know who taught them that reading and writing and conjugating your verbs was something white.

if cousin Pookie would vote, get off the couch and register some folks and go to the polls, we might have a different kind of politics. That's what the Moses generation teaches us. Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes. Go do some politics. Change this country!

full text available here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Barack Obama ran for president - he would not get my vote. He supports proposition 187; supports further gun control; voted against the nomination of Judge Sam Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts; he opposed the war in Iraq; argued for a moratorium on the death penalty; and had a 2005 voting record identical to that of John Kerry and Ted Kennedy.