Monday, October 8, 2007

My Letter To Senator Boxer

In response to Michelle Malkin's post,  I wrote my senator.

Senator Boxer,
I find your proposed amendment 3246 to HR 3093 offensive.
Illegal immigration is the single most important issue facing the United States Congress at this time.  Our country's governmental and private services such as schools, prisons, and hospitals, are stretched to the limit by a decades old policy of not enforcing our immigration laws.
Your amendment seeking to limit the enforcement of our laws during the census is contrary to the public's desire to have our immigration laws enforced and our border secured.  Only after we deal with illegal immigration will we be able to ascertain the the real state of the union and only then can we address other critical issues, including determining the desired legal immigration policies of this country. 
I am telling everyone I know that you are currently working to "limit immigration enforcement efforts".  I beleive public opinion is against you on this one.
Protect this country.  Secure our borders.  Enforce our laws. 

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