Monday, September 21, 2009

Ousted president Zelaya says returns to Honduras | International | Reuters

Ousted president Zelaya says returns to Honduras | International | Reuters: "Soldiers toppled Zelaya and sent him into exile after he upset conservative opponents, who accused him of wanting to change the constitution to allow presidents to seek re-election."

You know those damn pesky "conservatives" that want to follow the constitution are always getting in the way of Marxism. People need to pay attention. Obama is aligning himself with leftists that are plenty happy to disregard a nation's constitution to remian in power indefinately. It worked for Chavez in Venezuela. Thank God that Honduras shut down Zeyala's attempts to give himself perpetual power in violation of their constitution. America should be priasinig the efforts of the Honduran legislature, supreme court, and military. Instead, we are pushing to have the leftist Zeyala re-installed. Shameful support of anti-constitutional efforts.

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