Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bad day for me

As of today I officially don’t care if McCain wins the election.

The Republican party is in shambles and has forgot the meaning of fiscal conservatism, individual responsibility, and limited Government. How would John McCain presidency differ substantially from a Barack Obama presidency? McCain capitulates on everything in the name of bi-partisanship. He would roll over every time Harry and Nancy demanded it.

What makes you think McCain would do what is necessary to deal with the immigration crisis? Has McCain the “Maverick” shown you that he can deal with the economic situation?

I am sick of Bush. I am sick of McCain. I am sick of the media. The only think I am sad about is the Supreme Court nominees that Obama will get to make. Then again, why should I believe McCain would have picked a justice to my liking?

For the next 4 years at least this country is going to tack hard left. Maybe then the country will wake up and realize that Socialism has been tried and proven to be ineffective.

I need a modern day Mayflower and a new Plymouth rock.


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