Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Tax Cuts for 95% of Americans" is a lie

The Case Against Barack Obama: Part 1
Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama promises to "cut taxes for 95 percent of American workers." That's not possible.

Why? More than 30 percent pay nothing in federal income taxes. Obama comes up with this number by calling tax credits "tax cuts." One can debate whether these things are good or bad, but they are not tax cuts. McCain offers refundable tax credits for health care, as well as other credits, but he doesn't insult the intelligence of the American people by calling them "tax cuts." When Obama's credits go to people who pay no federal income taxes or who pay less than the value of the credit, they are not "tax cuts." They are transfers of money from one pocket to another, or redistributions of wealth, but they are not tax cuts.

read the rest if you want the details.
The bottom line is that Barack Obama wants take money from the productive people in our society and give it to other people.    That my friends is Socialism and I don't like it.
Let people keep the fruits of their labor.  If the Government would stop squandering our tax money then our economy will be robust and the middle class will propser.

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