Tuesday, December 15, 2009

President Obama: 'Last chance' for health reform - - POLITICO.com

President Obama: 'Last chance' for health reform - - POLITICO.com: "In a provocative argument designed to rescue his foundering health care plan, President Barack Obama will warn Senate Democrats in a White House meeting Tuesday that this is the 'last chance' to pass comprehensive reform.
Obama will contend that if it fails now, no other president will attempt it, aides said.
White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer told POLITICO: 'If President Obama doesn't pass health reform, it’s hard to imagine another president ever taking on this Herculean task. For those whose life's work is reforming health care, this may be the last train leaving the station.'"

What a desperate sleazy sales tactic. "Buy now. It's your last chance!"

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