Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jenna 6

I have not followed this story closely.  My 5 minute assessment is that some white kids hung a noose on a tree at their school. In retaliation, 6 black kids then beat a white kid up in retaliation.  The district attorney did not charge the noose hangers, but did charge the black students with attempted murder, which was later reduced to battery.


“The beating victim, Justin Barker, was knocked unconscious, his face badly swollen and bloodied, though he was able to attend a school function later that night.


Now the civil rights movement, perhaps Race Hustlers, have latched on to this as a symbol of the racial disparity in the justice system. 


I think it is sad that the ‘civil rights movement’ now takes up the cause of violent assailants.  I think non-violence was a crucial part of the success of Dr. Kings philosophy. 


I don’t take a position here on racial equalities of the justice system.  Only that violent thugs should not be the  icons for racial progress.  The response to the noose hanging should have been non-violent protest.  The kids committed a crime and need to face the consequences. 


Here is an blogger with a personal knowledge of the assailants:



1 comment:

Claire Kennedy said...

I agree with your statements. If you commit a crime , you pay!