Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Nuclear Energy is Part of our Energy Future

You cannot be against all forms of energy production, unless perhaps you live in a cave. We all consume it. We all want it cheap. Our economy depends on it. But yet, there is a significant amount of the population that is against all forms of domestic energy production. Let’s face it, coal must be mined and burnt which is bad for the environment. I know that environmentalists have blocked hydroelectric power projects because of the impact on the fish and rivers. I live close to a significant wind farm and know first-hand that there have been objections that wind turbines kill birds. We won’t drill for oil in Alaska because of environmental politics. Nuclear was perhaps the first target of obstructionists back in the 70’s and the effort to halt nuclear power development has been successful for three decades.

The bottom line is that many of the people who object to the utilization of our own domestic energy supplies, renewal and hydrocarbon based, offer no alternative or solution for supplying this nation with our energy needs.

Nuclear power is cheap, efficient, clean, and we are supplied with abundant natural materials necessary for production. We need to build safe reactors and develop a waste storage facility in Harry Reid’s basement.

Here is an AP article about plans for the first new nuclear plants in thirty years. If America has any sense, nuclear development will be a part of our sustainable energy policy.

By the way, here is a link to Nuclear obstructionists:
I wonder if these guys go to anti-Coal meetings one day, then anti-Nuke another.

Here is a link debunking the myth that Wind Farms kill Birds:

Here is a good blog entry about the methane gas caused by hydro electric dams:

1 comment:

Dona Tracy said...

The fact that wind farms kill birds is not a myth. the writer of that article obviously did not check the facts. In fact wind farms are killing birds and bats by the thousands all over the world. The latest, Maple ridge Wind Farm, in New York has been studied and the results of this brand new wind farm? The researchers have estimated that 10,000 birds and bats were killed there in one year.

As to nuclear, I agree. But environmentalists will never admit that nuclear is the only real answer to CO2 emissions, dependence on foreign oil and pollution. They have painted themselves into a corner on this one.